My name is George and i was born in Stuttgart by Greek parents. I always loved the sea, since i was a child. My professional sea life though, began in 1996 when i graduated from the German naval academy SSC Cuxhaven with the rank of lieutenant Captain and worked aboard riverboats in Germany. My home country however, and its unique, beautiful seas, won me over and thus I decided to come work in Greece. Since then, I have been promoting naval culture and yachting.

I am Sofia and i was born in Ancient Olympia. I am a nursery school teacher, specialized in children with special needs. From a young age, two were the great loves of my life. Cooking and the sea. As far as I remember myself I have always spent endless hours in my kitchen experimenting and creating new tastes and exquisite treats. Since 2007, I have been a professional in the culinary sector. On the other hand, beautiful Greek summers with their vast blue of the sea always took great care to fill my heart with joy and rest. Luckily for me, working in yachting since 2018 paved the way for me to do both things I have always so adored.